Uncategorized – quickbookshelpline.com http://quickbookshelpline.com Spot For Newbies Who Need Help Tue, 11 Oct 2022 12:34:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://quickbookshelpline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/575/2020/08/cropped-studies-32x32.png Uncategorized – quickbookshelpline.com http://quickbookshelpline.com 32 32 Research Paper Topics Guide & How to Select One http://quickbookshelpline.com/research-paper-topics-guide-how-to-select-one.html http://quickbookshelpline.com/research-paper-topics-guide-how-to-select-one.html#respond Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:06:47 +0000 http://quickbookshelpline.com/?p=72 You probably think the process of writing a research paper is the hardest. Well, to surprise you, coming up with a topic is the most difficult part altogether. You have to employ creativity, essential writing skills, experience, and material to hold the subject down.

How to select a Topic

Here is the step-by-step process of choosing a topic for your research paper:

  1. Observe your interests
  2. To make a topic fascinating, you first have to have an interest in it. When you are personally motivated and attracted to the subject you choose, you can get motivated and execute it well, which can ease the writing process for you. A better way is to check on topics that are trending.

  3. Gather enough information
  4. It should be the second element in your list when it comes to choosing topics. You will want to have enough information and knowledge to help you execute the subject in-depth. Toil to get enough material to bolster the paper. You can look for resources such as publications, journals, books, online blogs and articles, and websites. When you have more sources than you need, the better your writing process will become.

  5. Listen to your instructor
  6. When choosing a topic, keep in mind the instructions of your teacher. He/she may have different preferences depending on your academic level. You should also make sure that you confirm the topic you have with your supervisor before writing the research. They can guide you through it, which makes it easy too.

Examples of Research Paper Topics

College Topics

  1. College funding and education
  2. Drug abuse among students in college
  3. Do students have the right to choose their courses?
  4. Pregnancy among girls in college

High School Topics

  1. What is the efficiency of standardized tests?
  2. What are the causes of grade inflation?
  3. Should corporal punishment be allowed?
  4. What are the effects of bullying in high schools?
  5. Should disabled children be allowed to study with their healthy counterparts?

Psychology Topics

  1. What are the causes and effects of Tourette syndrome?
  2. Explore coma recovery, especially on the level of mentality
  3. Should people exercise during work time to reduce stress levels?
  4. What are the most common sleep disorders and discuss the way they can get resisted
  5. Discuss eating disorders and childhood obesity in the United States

Science Topics

  1. Explore alchemy and its implementation
  2. Can nurses save babies born before 27 weeks? How?
  3. How effective is screwing to breast cancer?
  4. Explore the technology of forensic science
  5. Discuss the opportunities and threats of nuclear energy
  6. What are the risks associated with nuclear power?

Religion and Literature Topics

  1. What is the significance of the Quran to the religion?
  2. Give reasons why the Bible should get termed as a literature
  3. What is the comparison between Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina?
  4. Explore the relationship between Virgil and Dante
  5. Discuss the controversies surrounding the works of Shakespeare

Argumentative Topics

  1. Give reasons for the support of euthanasia in the medical field
  2. Should people suffering from HIV receive free treatment?
  3. Is the protection of animals more vital than the needs of the business?
  4. Does body language matter in a relationship?
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Tips to Begin a Research Paper on a Brilliant Note http://quickbookshelpline.com/tips-to-begin-a-research-paper-on-a-brilliant-note.html http://quickbookshelpline.com/tips-to-begin-a-research-paper-on-a-brilliant-note.html#respond Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:05:49 +0000 http://quickbookshelpline.com/?p=71 If you want to make the best impressions that count; then you have to get the attention of your readers through your introduction. You can only get the desired results if you come up with an introduction that is loaded with facts that mattered.

The question is: When is appropriate to write your introduction? If you write the introduction immediately after you choose your topic; you are not going to achieve excellent results that you are going to be proud of at the end of the day. 

The best time to write the most powerful introduction is when you have written the outline of your paper. The research would have been concluded and you can now seize the opportunity to bring out the strongest highlight from your research to pen down your introductory lines.

You are not expected to reveal all here. What you are going to give is a teaser that will make your audience hunger and thirst for more. There should be a hook sentence in your introduction. This is the place to create a first impression that will last long in the minds of every reader.

The tenses should be structured in a way that the layman will understand. Your writing is not for the academic community alone. The readers cut across all strata of human categories. The language should be easy to understand. 

Background Information

Your readers deserved more about the topic. You are expected to include background information to help the understanding of the subject by your readers. There should be no gap in the information that you are providing for your audience. However; as explained earlier; do not give too much background information.

The importance of your research work

It is very important to explain the importance of your research work to your readers. The value should be placed on your work. Your readers should find genuine reasons why they should take their time to read through your work.

This can only be possible if you can convince your audience about the importance of your work. You must bring out the essence in the paper if you want the audience to buy into your idea. 

Your thesis statement

This is the place to miss it or get it. Your thesis statement must be seen to be strong and highly potent. If you are not convincing enough in your thesis statement; you are not going to get the desired attention from the readers and your instructors. The idea of the thesis statement should be your own and it should reflect your convictions. With adequate research, it will be possible to come up with something that will beat all the existing protocols that had been in existence.

Final thoughts

The introduction to your paper should carry enough weight. It should be based on the strongest points of your research paper. This is an area that you will be able to get the attention of your readers. When you can create a first-time impression; your paper will be relevant.

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Types of Research Papers http://quickbookshelpline.com/types-of-research-papers.html http://quickbookshelpline.com/types-of-research-papers.html#respond Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:04:44 +0000 http://quickbookshelpline.com/?p=73 Writing a research paper in college or university is an integral part of the curriculum. The process is not easy, especially for students who have never had such an academic task before. The difficulties you may face can range from finding the right research paper topic to being unable to write the paper yourself.

However, the task doesn’t have to be challenging. The trick to writing a decent research paper is knowing what a research paper is all about.

What Is a Research Paper?

A research paper is a scientific written document that involves research, report writing, and data analysis. The experiments you conduct during the process aim at:

  • Improving and acquiring new knowledge
  • Testing scientific hypotheses
  • Establishing laws manifested in both nature and society
  • Scientific generalizations
  • Scientific confirmation of projects

So, in a nutshell, a research paper consists of your experience and thoughts. You base these ideas on the information you knew on the topic before and the data you acquire while researching.

Common Types of Research Papers

Here are the primary types of research papers:

  • Argumentative. An argumentative research paper requires you to focus the reader’s attention on the arguments that relate to your main topic. You should also support your point of view with evidence from primary sources.
  • Analytical. An analytical essay provides an informal analysis of a topic or idea. Your topic may be too general in that there are many things to discuss. Consequently, this particular assignment requires you to think critically and apply strong arguments!
  • Definition. Definition papers demand that you only provide simple objective arguments and facts. Hence, they are the most informative since they are void of personal opinion.
  • Compare and contrast. As the name suggests, the text analyzes the differences between authors, subjects, leadership styles, viewpoints, or other criteria. It is a common assignment for students studying literature, philosophy, social science, among others.
  • Cause and effect. These papers typically track your expected results from a specific action in a logical order that your readers can understand. It also identifies several different outcomes that could appear depending on the specified conditions.
  • Reports. A report is a logical and detailed summary of a particular case study. As a rule, such text summaries the breakdown, situation, key issue identification, and recommendations.
  • An interpretive essay. The task requires the student to use acquired theoretical knowledge to write the paper and use supporting information for the thesis statement and findings. It is assigned to social science and literature students.

Now that you have learned about the seven main categories of research papers, we hope the information helps you to accomplish your assigned task. Besides meeting the general objectives of a particular essay, you also have to follow the right structure and format. And remember, completing a research paper is crucial to your overall academic success. So, if you need help with your term paper, consider hiring a writing service.

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Organizing the Dissertation Paper: Formatting Process http://quickbookshelpline.com/organizing-and-formatting-dissertation-paper.html http://quickbookshelpline.com/organizing-and-formatting-dissertation-paper.html#respond Thu, 15 Apr 2021 11:59:15 +0000 http://quickbookshelpline.com/?p=61 There are specific conventions on the physical production and styles that regulate the thesis of all Gallatin. It should have consistent documents, although the formats may differ. Specific guidelines should be followed when writing a thesis in Gallatin.


Whether research, project, or performance, every dissertation should have the following items include:

  1. Title page
  2. An abstract which is single-spaced and in one-page
  3. A table of figures, illustrations, or content should contain page numbers where necessary
  4. A text body that contains appropriate headings, sections, or sub-sections for chapters
  5. Appropriate portfolios or appendices
  6. Complete bibliography

A student may include some items of their wish, which are to be placed in roman pages- enumerated that follows the abstract. The items that help students understand their work may include acknowledgments, copyright, a preference, and dedication.

Specification of a layout

  • Style and Type size

A student has to select some ordinary book font: Garamond, Times New Roman, Palatino, Century, or Goudy. The most preferred font for writing a thesis may range from 11 to 12- point font.

  • Pagination

Number your paper in Arabic numerals, whereby on the first page of the text, you would number it as 1. The previous pages before the first page are numbered using roman numbers, just as the indication in one’s stylebook. The right place to place the numbers in the top right, bottom right, top middle, or bottom middle.

  • Proofreading

A student or writer must go through their work very carefully as they read and rectify the student’s work errors. The document ought to be edited first so that it becomes ready to proofread. The document is therefore easily understood, well organized, and well written.

The proofreading period involves identifying small and large errors that were missed and introduced when editing was done. Proofreaders must ensure that the final document is free from typographical errors, grammatical errors, and well-formatted work.

  • Copyright

It refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. It means no one can reproduce the owner’s work unless the owner permits them. Some laws protect the owners’ work, called copyright law.

The copyright law restricts any person from reproducing the same kind of work that the work in which another person had earlier produced.

  • Style guide

There are requirements in the writing style, and a writer must do according to the requirement of the work given to them. A writer can use various styles to present their work; Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Language Association (ALA), among other various styles. MLA and ALA are the two main styles on matters such as; page layout, bibliographies, citation formats and pagination, and how to use special terms.


During formatting, the students should use various steps for the production of great work. Writers should organize their dissertation, get the right content and be familiar with the specific layouts. The layouts may include style and type size, pagination, proofreading, copyright, and the style guide. All of the procedures to follow in writing the best work would lead you to succeed in your career.

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Effective Tips on Writing Your College Paper http://quickbookshelpline.com/tips-on-writing-college-papers.html http://quickbookshelpline.com/tips-on-writing-college-papers.html#respond Thu, 15 Apr 2021 11:55:31 +0000 http://quickbookshelpline.com/?p=57 College often represents a huge step for most students as they mature in other aspects of their lives and become of age in their academics. For this reason, the college features plenty of academic writing that can range from essays, research papers, term papers, etc. However, students often have plenty on their plate, and juggling their writing assignments on top of other engagements can become overwhelming. Therefore, find appropriate ways of going about it become necessary. So how can you do this?

Everyone always finds it puzzling to conceive a concept or argument for a particular paper properly. It becomes easy to find yourself slumping onto your desk bereft of ideas or watching your computer screen. You cannot relax and expect a paper subject to appear within thin air. You have to work for it by deliberately preparing the groundwork. Such a strategy helps in discovering the best route to follow in your writing. To do this, consider the following.

Guidelines to Prepare and Write Your College Paper

  • Read towards writing. It becomes essential to understand the general background of what you want to write about before you commence writing. Therefore, read all the essential parts of the materials you want to use. Additionally, identify and characterize the write-up’s genre. Further consider aspects such as the author, reasons for getting assigned that work, etc.  After that, plan your reading and record questions and reactions from what you learn. You should also read alongside a friend and deliberate on what the reading misses.
  • Get a subject. The next step involves getting an appropriate subject. Here, try freewriting, listing, or asking questions to get inspired to get an ideal subject.
  • Comprehend your audience. It becomes important to write to express yourself rather than to impress. Therefore, consider your audience and let your writing get influenced by your audience.
  • Avoid typical errors in reasoning and logic. Try and segment your paper into the premises, thesis, and evidence to have an easy time constructing your argument. While it may sound easy, it can prove challenging in practice as you will doubt whether you have communicated your arguments appropriately and without gaps. Because of this, consider letting a friend go through your work to ascertain everything is in order in this regard. Additionally, you can consider aspects like stereotypes or prejudices, invalid and unstated assumptions, and appealing to your audience’s emotions.   

Writing the paper entails developing an appropriate thesis and considering diverse aspects to ensure the thesis statement serves its purpose. Ideally, your thesis statement should prove original, create an argument, and become specific.

  1. Creating an argument
  2. All academic papers aim at persuading the audience about your argument. As such, you should consider the following in developing your view. Determine why you trust your thesis, the analysis and arguments, and counter-arguments.

Writing your introduction

  • Plenty of students struggle to get started with their paper’s introduction. You might have the outline and the logical thought of writing the paper but still, fail to write it.
  • Write your body paragraphs, with each paragraph have a main point and subsequent minor point to support it. Additionally, they should align with the thesis statement contained in the introduction.


It can also prove a complex segment to write besides the introduction, and it becomes common to see most students struggling with completing this segment. However, to write an effective conclusion, it becomes essential to consider the following guidelines.

  1. The conclusion acts as the bridge for readers to transition out of the write-up; therefore, consider writing it to help them understand your information and analysis.
  2. Summarize your argument and demonstrate the significance of the ideas presented to extol the reader into changing their perspective about the subject.
  3. Create new links and elaborate on your study’s impacts as you do not get restricted by the rules and confines of your work.
  4. Lastly, synthesize and avoid summarizing.


After you complete your paper, you need to revise your work to ensure that it proves as free of mistakes as possible. Consider and rectify any structural, grammar, and spelling mistakes.

If you want to write an academic paper in college, it becomes crucial to consider the mentioned guidelines. Good luck!

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IMRaD Format Abstract Writing: Tips & Examples http://quickbookshelpline.com/imrad-format-abstract-writing.html http://quickbookshelpline.com/imrad-format-abstract-writing.html#respond Thu, 15 Apr 2021 11:50:54 +0000 http://quickbookshelpline.com/?p=58 An abstract may be defined as a short-worded paragraph that gives a quick overview of your report or essay and how it is organized. The abstract should address the critical points of your thesis. It also must address the applications and implications of your research paper.

An abstract being a summary of an entire paper; the abstract describes, not defending, or evaluating the paper. An abstract starts with a faithful proclamation of an issue or problem, then the research design and methodology follow. Significant findings and conclusions are achieved in the end. An abstract must have substantial content and keywords, which facilitates the accessibility of the abstract using a computer, and the reader can go through the whole thesis.

Example of a bad Abstract

The written paper will cover the human genome plan and the target of the paper. I will demonstrate that the scientist has moral and ethical questions which explain genetic engineering.

Example of a good abstract

The human genome project, which the scientist and experts started in 1988, tries to explain the chromosomes, which give way forward for anthropological species.

An IMRaD Paper writing

An IMRaD Paper writing is mainly used by papers that major in natural sciences, social sciences, and engineering sciences. The main sections of the IMRaD writing are divided into introduction, results, methods, and discussion. Your abstract will be a determinant of whether people will either read the entire paper or not.

A writer should have their abstract written after finishing writing the full draft paper because the abstract gives the paper’s highlights. By doing so, a writer will summarize what they have written in their paper as they compose the abstract. 

An IMRaD abstract sample

Purpose – this research paper analyzes how experts and novices can adapt and transmit their skills to a new technology found in the medical domain.

Methods – to give the proper feedback, we compared the progress of 14 medical students, each with five robotic surgeons who use the latest robotic devices that allows 3D view and the performance of 14 laparoscopic surgeons.

Results – our outcomes reveal minor aftermath of expertise. The results further showed that the experts could transfer their skills without requiring the system of the human machine. When the experts change their environment, they may disrupt their performance.

Implications – this study shows the necessity of taking the impacts of the change in the environment and the experts’ adaptive capacities.

Common problems to avoid when writing an IMRaD abstract

  1. The abstract offers some statements about the questions that the paper asks and expounds more about the findings.
  2. The correct statement: people sleep too much because they tend to go to bed late at night, they fail to set their alarms, and their rooms stay dark.

    The wrong statement: The paper explains the results of too much sleep.

  3. The abstract gives generalized categories as compared to specific detailed findings.

The correct statement: the study explains that the vital variable when selecting movie theatres are popcorns of high quality and movie comfortable seats.


Your abstract should give an overview of the essay and the method by which you should have your work organized. Your abstract should give a lecture on the critical points of your thesis. A good abstract will always lead to the excellent quality of your thesis. The abstract must also speak about the implications that may face your research paper.

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An Easy Approach to Writing an Analytical Research Paper http://quickbookshelpline.com/an-easy-approach-to-writing-an-analytical-research-paper.html http://quickbookshelpline.com/an-easy-approach-to-writing-an-analytical-research-paper.html#respond Wed, 19 Aug 2020 08:52:28 +0000 http://quickbookshelpline.com/?p=50 Just like an essay, we can classify a research paper into the following types: analytical, argumentative, cause and effect, experimental, definition, problem – solution, and research report. An analytical research paper which is one of the frequently assigned essays will be discussed with examples you can use for your work.

What Is an Analytical Research Paper?

An analytical research paper is an assignment writing that critically assesses a subject matter from different sources and viewpoints.

Unique Features of Analytical Research Paper

  • Choose an interesting topic – a topic you know about that will interest your readers.
  • Complex informative basis: be sure to have relevant sources or literature for your paper
  • Ask your instructor about the formatting style you should use – APA, MLA etc.
  • Be logical and consistent – let your paper be well organised and let there be a connection between the paper parts.
  • Analyze existing authors’ opinions about the topic. Do not just agree or disagree; be realistic.
  • Do not make logical mistakes. View your topic from different angles to get the full gist about it.
  • Present your perspective about your chosen topic, do not only have the mind of gathering information from existing sources.
  • Have a relevant thesis statement.
  • Use formal words.

Steps to Write an Analytical Research Paper

  1. Select a topic
  2. Think over all the details
  3. Find good sources
  4. Make notes
  5. Come up with great ideas
  6. Craft an outline
  7. Write the first draft
  8. Edit the paper
  9. Proofread the text
  10. Get feedback

Structure of an Analytical Research Paper

Analytical Research Paper structure differs depending on your topic and course of study.  Seek Proper guidance from your instructor or pay for research papers online to get them written for you. Nevertheless, the main sections remain unchanged – they are discussed below:

Title page

This page contains your research title, name, course of study, instructor’s name and submission date.


This is the page that points out the central aspect of the research. It attracts readers to spend more time to read your paper if written perfectly. It should not be more than 200 words.


This is the part where you give a piece of background information related to your topic. Also, you need to make known the problem statement, objective and significance of the study. Finally, explain the connection between related existing literature and your topic – is there any correlation?

Literature review

In the literature review, as the name implies, you review existing literature made by previous researchers to form an informative basis of your study. However, you should cite all the authors and their respective research to avoid plagiarism.

Research design

In this part of the research, you will explain to your readers, how (methods) and from who (respondents) you gathered all your information.


This part comprises your finding results, summary, discussion and recommendations.

In the discussion section, show how your findings correlate with previous researches. Furthermore, in the recommendations section, give some instructions for future researchers who want to continue your study.

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Business Research Topics – Best Ideas For Your College Papers http://quickbookshelpline.com/best-ideas-for-your-research-paper-topics.html http://quickbookshelpline.com/best-ideas-for-your-research-paper-topics.html#respond Fri, 14 Aug 2020 15:15:03 +0000 http://quickbookshelpline.com/?p=18 Business Research is the approach used in gathering information based on facts in all business areas and the use of this information to minimize loss and maximize sales. The aim of carrying out business research should be to help people or companies make right decisions. There are several aspects of business research such as business management, business ethics, business speech, international business, business communication and controversial business topics. All these, we will focus on in this article.

Reasons for Listing These Business Research Topics?

Before diving into writing an outstanding college paper, one has to understand the basics of business research. Some people are puzzled at the first step of starting the project, which is “choosing a business topic. We present a list of exciting business research topics you can use.

Business Management Topics

Here are examples of research topics in business management.

  • The relationship between effective management and customer loyalty
  • Quality management as a panacea for business longevity
  • Job perks and its influence on employee performance
  • Effective quality control in a jointly owned business
  • How to manage crises in an organization

Business Ethics Topics

Listed below is the list of business ethics topic to get yourself a fantastic college paper.

  • Opinion conflicts: how to avoid social issues arguments at work
  • Profit-first approach and its influence on customer satisfaction
  • Gender Discrimination: A close investigation of its effects on employees’ performance in an organization.

Business speech Topics

Here is a list of business speech topics for you

  • Resolving problems in family businesses.
  • How to strategically think and plan
  • How to make a sales pitch
  • Leadership Development and its importance

Business Proposal Topics

Business is the world’s norm as everyone (business owners and customers) are in one form of trade or the other. To pitch an outstanding business idea, here is a list of some business proposal topics that can help out.

  • World unemployment: The way out
  • The influence of motivation on workplace performance
  • The impact of stakeholders on the growth of a business

International Business Topics

Here are some international business research topics that can inspire you.

  • What should the layman know about foreign investment?
  • How branding can make international business all-inclusive
  • Closing the gap between local businesses and the international market
  • How to survive in the international market: The local business perspective

Business Communication Topics

  • Moving the discussion online; how the transition has helped public relations
  • Organizational flow of information; A critical analysis of present day channels
  • A comparative analysis of information pathways in business and general environments

Controversial Business Topics

  • The impact of minimum wage on poverty eraadication
  • Is outsourcing an Ethical Practice?
  • Outsourcing: Theories vs findings.

Above listed are twenty-five business research topics that cover inexhaustibly various aspects of a business. If you choose to pay for college paper online, any of these topics can home in handy and will help out.

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